Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ticker tick timer

Mr Sim brought us to the lab to test out the ticker tick timer.
He attached a piece of paper behind the toy car and screw the toy car to move it move. There are many holes in the paper. The intervals between each hole signify a specific time and distance.

The Ticker Tape Timer
 One timer used only in certain Physics experiments is the ticker-tape timer. This is an electrical device making use of the oscillations of a steel strip to mark short intervals of time. It consists of a steel strip which vibrates 50 times a second and makes 50 dots a second on a paper tape being pulled past it.

Between two consecutive dots there is a time interval of 1/50 s or 0.02 s. If there are 10
spaces on a piece of tape, the time taken for the tape to pass through will be
10 x 0.02 s = 0.20 s.


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