Friday, August 31, 2012

Introduction on ME

Ohgosh, i have been posting science stuff until that i forgotten to introduce myself

I am Soh Kai Jie from Hwa Chong Institution, Class 1P4, index number 22
My science teacher is Mr Sim Mong Chea, if u have been checking on my blog.
And i am doing this blog for my Science assignment, Hwa Chong aims to produce their students as all-rounded students, so in terms of presenting skills and oral skills and other skills too.
So this is the assignment assign by teachers to kind of let the public know what is our science curriculum and what are we learning.
The objective of the Lower Secondary Science Curriculum in Hwa Chong Institution (or HCI LSS) is to bridge the theoretical knowledge learnt in science to that of the real world, and especially in developments of recent cutting edge research and contemporary science. Similar to the “Science Curriculum Framework” by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2008, “INtegrated Science” emphasizes the holistic acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and applications embedded in the 4 unique “Science IN” features which is congruent to our Parallel Curriculum Model (or PCM).

"Based on the 4 “Science IN” features, the objectives of the HCI LSS Curriculum are to enable students to:
  • acquire content knowledge and understanding of Science.
  • expose students to recent cutting edge research and contemporary science.
  • develop essential skills, learning through authentic experiences and practice.
  • monitor their own learning, thinking process and related affective attributes.

Hence, students will be developed to do various activities relating to the field of science research and exposed to contemporary developments. Hence, teachers will be applying their professional judgment to use a variety of resources, ideas and strategies to effectively complement a students’ curiosity about the world to how it functions."

-quoted from hci wikis-

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